Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Global Software Development

   Global Software Development is about development of software solutions across different developmental centers present in different countries across the globe. This brings in the vast challenges of managing the flow of project overcoming the language and cultural barriers. But still, global software development is a phenomenon being followed today as it brings number of advantages. To start with is the distinct advantage a company gets in productivity as the project can be worked on throughout the clock time. More importantly, companies can optimize their costs of developmental activities by selecting the work force of countries whose foreign exchange rates are moderate but are competent enough to carry out the project with best industrial practices.

   For example, development of a project in embedded systems which involves work in Matlab and LabView can be considered for development at different time zones. Considering the project is being worked on by developers who are freshly out of colleges, an average Indian developer will be good in Matlab but very poor in LabView. This is in sharp contrary to the situation in USA where developers will be good in LabView but do not posses adequate skills in Matlab. So, project can be worked upon by Indians in Matlab and Americans in LabView. By industry practices, a Matlab engineer is paid more than a LabView engineer. Hence, expenses are also significantly cut down by company taking the advantage of poor exchange rate value of Indian Rupees.