Saturday, November 10, 2012

Using Scrum in Distributed Agile Development

Global software development (GSD) including out-sourcing, subcontracting and partnerships has become a
common business reality . GSD offers many potential benefits, e.g., reduced development costs, but also
creates significant challenges with respect to communication, coordination, and control. Many solutions were proposed but all were given with an assumption that requirement were fixed. But in real scenario requirements keeps changing. So Agile Method best fit this scenario. But Agile Method was developed keeping in mind co-located project development. So few modification have to made to fit in the new scenario. Few case studies were done to understand how Agile Method is helpful. Scrum was chosen.
Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development method for managing software projects and product or application development. Scrum has not only reinforced the interest in project management,but also challenged the conventional ideas about such management.
During the whole case study main focused on answering three basic questions:-What did you do since the last scrum meeting? Do you have any obstacles? What will you do before next meeting?
Different scrum practices were implemented and then all the employees were interviewed for their experience  on those implemented scrum practices.
Summary of the case study:-

During the interview many employee complained about lack of proper training. Apart from there were few small complains regarding poor communication tools etc but the overall experience was very good. According to the interviewees, Scrum practices provide a frequent and structured way of communication for a distributed project.Since Scrum emphasizes fast problem solving, it encouraged distributed team members to talk about issues more openly than before starting to use Scrum.Scrum practices with short iterations and daily meetings provide frequent check-points for monitoring the distant sites. The practices ensure that, e.g. misunderstood requirements are revealed early on or that no-one can work for a long time alone with a problem.

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